Guests of Armenia are lucky: the dishes of Armenian cuisine have stood the test of two millennia, the tables are bursting with abundance, the feast is famous for its heartfelt toasts, a full meal in a reputable restaurant is not expensive, cafes serve aromatic coffee, and markets sell juicy local berries and fruits.
Armenia is a land where recipes are passed down from generation to generation and sacredly keep the secrets of signature dishes, where chefs conjure magic in the kitchens of authentic and respectable restaurants: some remain faithful to ancient recipes, others interpret ancient dishes in a modern way, and others master different options for preparing one dish. . In Armenia, tourists are taught how to bake lavash, prepare khorovats - kebab, wrap tolma in grape leaves and distinguish the taste of real Armenian cognac. Here you will be offered crayfish with draft beer - back in the 5th century BC. The Greek historian Xenophon mentioned in his work “Anabasis” how he tasted beer in Armenia, noting the excellent taste of the intoxicating drink.
National Geographic included Yerevan in the list of “6 unexpected cities for food lovers,” calling the capital one of the best places in Asia with rich cuisine - the publication advises gourmets to definitely take advantage of gastrotours to Armenia, which it calls a top travel destination.