A three-day adventure

Long ago, when the ancient Romans were still considered invincible and had great power, the priests of the temple of Aramazd under the leadership of the Armenian Prince Artashes repulsed their attack. Not their quantity but their skills played a huge role in taking the victory and by this they started to call themselves the Keepers. Led by the highest priest then they took an oath to protect the heritage of the Armenian land at any cost.

Our journey starts. We depart from Yerevan at 10:00 and make for the south. Getting to our first location will take us 3-4 hours which is enough for your guide – a valiant husband, dedicated to the Order of the Guardians,  to tell you how things are at the moment and warn about possible dangers. We will have lunch before the first ritual of initiation, as the adventures will begin later.
Arrival in Jermuk's resort town will mark the beginning of the adventures. After the ritual of drinking from the holy Khaoma is finished we will get on our SUVs to continue our way to the holy source in order to bathe and go through the second stage of initiation into the Guardians. We will go on a complete off-road (20-30 minutes) and giant boulders, so, hold on as tight as possible.

The sacred source is a geyser resembling a heart-shaped jacuzzi, only this is the work of nature’s “hands”. You need to plunge into the life-giving water to cleanse the body and thoughts. Only after the ritual ablution will you be given special equipment for the Guardians and backpacks. After that, you will find a variety of competitions for strength, accuracy, and wisdom. So among the players will emerge leaders who will become your leaders for the time of the adventure.

Be sure to eat seasonal fruits and berries! Further, we are awaited for training in a safeguard camp near the town of Sisian (approximately 1.5 hours from Jermuk): horses, spears, etc. Want to become a member of this knight tournament?)))

The time of the third stage of dedication! (Not far from the camp) Here you will need to pass the final, third stage of initiation. Here will happen the first acquaintance with one of the key characters in this story. And the location is called "Installation". Its creator believes that it is there that the center of the universe is located. Like it or not, we do not know, but the fact that the “Installation” is imbued with the most powerful energy is a fact (we were convinced more than once): the real place of power that only a few know about. The secret camp of the Guardians is not far from the place of power, where we are already waiting for a warm dinner and soft beds. But! The game does not stop. And in the camp, there will be something to dig and investigate.


The keepers are sent to implement a task. Won't spoil it, but you might need to know that you will have to deal with flying machines as well as computers. Also, you will have to have a long walk over Sisian hills

The next location is Zorats Karer  (again near the camp). We will go to the megalithic monument older than Stonehenge for 3500 years. The next task will be awaiting us there.

Forget about your comfort afterward because we are heading to the cave city of Khndzoresk (1 -1,5 hour from Sisian), where we will spend a night. Here we will have to get our food by ourselves.


It's getting more and more interesting, and no further information can be disclosed. The main part of the day will be spent in Khndzoresk. This is going to be the hardest day of the game. It takes a lot of stamina, cunning, dexterity, intelligence, and the ability to think logically. Try to wake up in you the primitive man instincts and everything will work out.

By the end of the 3rd day (around 18:00) we are heading to Yerevan. It will take us 4 – 4,5 hours.


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